Hey there, I’m Elle Benson. I’m a working mother & author.


Elle Benson is what many would describe as a typical working mother. She’s the one on mute during the conference call, balancing her phone on one shoulder and her toddler in the other arm. One minute she’s researching toddler books starring powerful females, and the next minute she’s helping nonprofit organization build the capacity to achieve their missions.

She doesn’t believe there’s a science to motherhood, but does believe that women need to stop judging others, and, more importantly, themselves. She began studying positive psychology to help people finish the phrase, “I’ll be happy when...” Her desire is to assist others with being happy in the present moment. 


MBA in Organizational Leadership, University of Tiffin, 2015 

BS in Business, University of Tennessee, 2007 

Additional Qualifications and Interests

Certificate in Science of Happiness, University of California Berkeley, 2015 

Board Member, Association of Infant Mental Health in Tennessee, 2017 - Current
Board Member, Friends of Literacy, 2015 - Current
Member, Knoxville Writers Guild, 2016 - Current


Much love,


Meet Elle Benson
Meet Elle Benson